Have you seen the film? We'd love to hear what you thought.
"This is a film that every global leader should see. It is a film that should be shown before UN conferences and certainly to those who are involved with UNICEF." - Carole Di Tosti from 'Blog Critics'
"The eleven year olds in this film are infectious. Their untrammeled optimism and precocious insights work on your unconscious, leaving you with a great sense of hope." - Jeffrey Karoff
That was my first reaction to this wonderful film.
My wife and I took our twin 11 year old grandsons to see "I am Eleven" two days ago and we LOVED IT! Where do I start? Billy. Siham. Sam. Rika. Stan. Sahin. I'm sorry if I got any names wrong. It doesn't matter. What mattered was the spontaneity, the joy, the forthrightness, the sunshine that these kids showered on everyone in the theatre. I laughed out loud when I heard Billy's first words--"Well, I'm eleven, then I'll go to high school, then have a girl friend, then to university, then marry, then have kids, then be a grandparent, and then, BOOM, it's all over!" (paraphrase). Thank you, Billy! Whenever you appeared on the screen my grandsons poked me on the shoulder and smiled. It was good for my grandsons to see how other eleven year olds live, especially seeing that they have all the latest technological gadgetry and have never been exposed to such kids as the ones who took care of the elephants--beautiful scenes, especially of the young elephants and the boy sitting on one in the water--and the girl in India who invited us into the room that had just been built.
When school starts again for my grandsons in September of 2015 (they will be in Grade 6)--in Maple Ridge, B.C., Canada--I will make sure to let their teacher know about "I am Eleven" and encourage her/him to show it to the class.
Thank you, ALL OF YOU who were involved with this film. Anyone--especially world leaders--who has forgotten what it is to see the world through the eyes of a child must see this film. When the audience left the theatre, SMILES were everywhere!
- Heinz and Natalie, grandparents to our two eleven year old grandsons.
"Hey y'all,
I took my 15 year old girl, Adi, to see the film on Wednesday and we loved it - thank you. It was riveting and nostalgic for her and a wonderful journey for me. It evoked such such a yearning feeling that we shared afterwards - about the vanishing and mercurial phases of life and the preciousness of times that have gone. But Adi said 'I'm so desperate to get to India' - the girls at the orphanage made a big impression on her. So bugger school, we're going to India in June, to travel, do what volunteering we can and hold those precious moments as dearly as those of the kids in your doco. Thanks for a beautiful film and for inspiration.
Cheers" - Steve
"I am 11 right now and when i watched that documentary i was inspired and i have really thought more about the future and i who i really want to be as a person. I found Billy really funny but i also found him quite fascinating and intriguing the way he thought so deeply into thinks and how he got along with his brother so well. I am really interested in how the kids are going now and how much they have pursued them dreams and if they have changed there personality much."
- Love Zoe xoxoxoxoxoxoxox
"I think this movie was absolutly amazing! I loved how all the kids were my age and had so many different stories.I enjoyed watching the movie and seeing how we can all connect even though we are not in the same country! This move opened my eyes to poverty, to happiness and to so much more.I hope that there will be a sequel and I congratulate Genevieve and Henrik on getting your award! I rate this move 5/5!!!" - Hannah
"Congratulations on an outstanding film. Highly engaging and life-affirming. Wish I was 11 again" - David
"I just came from a screening at the Laemmele NoHo. I did not know that it was a special screening for children, and when I saw all of the active kids in the theater, I groaned. But, I wanted to see the movie, so I stayed. What a pleasant surprise. The theater was packed, but you wouldn't have known it. The kids were quiet during the whole movie. They were engaged, paid close attention, and did not talk with their friends. The movie gave them all thoughts to ponder on how other children live and how they made the most out of life without having much in their lives. Thank you for a job well done." - Laura
"Dear Remi,
I hope you do understand English but anyways I love the way you said everything including “I’m not a citizen of France I’m a citizen of the world.” I loved how everything you said was so deep in thought. I mean my class and another class was like fangirling all over you well most of them and it just took everyone by surprise how lovely you are. But in general we loved everyone on I am eleven if I have to I’ll read it over and over again until I’m sick of it. :)" - Joseph
"I am eleven is one of the best movies/documentary I have seen ever! I think it is so insightful and you can learn a lot of things from just one person. I was lucky enough to meet Genevieve Bailey and she said it took so long for her to make the movie! I love you Genevieve!" - Kate
"It was interesting to see that being bullied or seeing someone being bullied happens all over the world, not just in Australia. I also connected with Goh because I liked how he lived and I would like to know how to train an elephant like he does. I would also like to ask why the filmmakers chose 11 year olds. I think its because we're not little kids anymore, but we're growing up and have our own views on life." - Cameron
"Hi just listening to the interview on 774 ABC – really lovely to hear an idea come to life! Simple and pure intent to bring a thought to life is so refreshing… I havent seen the move YET but even the trailer brings a wry smile… congrats and thanks for rekindling the thought that a spark once ignited can be beautiful…." - Paul
"I thought the movie was so honest and refreshing, it is a nice change to see the world through children’s eyes. Billy was hilarious! I will be recommending it to my friends." -Therese
"I ABSOLUTELY LOVED it. The film was so optimistic and it helped me see the world in another way. Thanks for all the kids who got interviewed I loved your optimism! I watched it in school and everyone in my class loved it. Thanks Genevieve." - Barnaby
"I really love the movie it is so so good and it bring back a lot of memories when I was eleven. And the movies is different then other movie and it connect a lot to me and my friends. I love what Kimberly say it will be good if the weekend should be 4 days. And I think Billy is the funniest and he grown up so fast." - Sokngy
"I really enjoyed the film and it would be great to have a follow up. Genevieve and Henrik, you'll go really far in the film industry and wish you a fun filled life. No one else could have thought of a movie direct like that. I am twelve and I can hardly remember anything from when I was twelve, because i took it for granted.
I now keep a journal so I can remember the things that made me happy when I was twelve." - Ella
"I am a primary teacher in Victoria. We had the truly wonderful experience of a screening and visit from Genevieve and Henrik today and it has left an impression on our students and staff which will last indefinitely. This film is the most moving, inspiring, positive, honest, beautiful, important, understated, humorous and insightful piece of documentary filmmaking I think I have ever seen. If you are a teacher or a parent considering watching it or showing it to your students or children, do it. Even better, contact the film makers and have them share their work with you. I cannot overstate how much our students were moved and inspired by this film and how the building of such bridges and connections – across country, culture and religion – will leave a lasting and positive legacy. Thank you so much for your beautiful work Genevieve and Henrik." - Adam Mitchell
"I love this because I’m eleven and this video has connection to me a lot also. Also this video made me realize that I should be happy with what I’ve got because in this video some of them live in the orphanage and they don’t have a dad or maybe mom too. I like how they show their perspective and they talk about their life, their hobbies and what they like. I really really love this video, it made me feel better about my life." - Aylin Lim
"What a beautiful film for all ages. Such a powerful and compelling look at the world through the eyes of 11 year olds around the globe. I was moved by their stories and touched by their views on life. Thank-you Genevieve and the whole team behind this important documentary. It’s a must see!" -Magy
"Dear Remi,
I hope you do understand English but anyways I love the way you said everything including “I’m not a citizen of France I’m a citizen of the world.” I loved how everything you said was so deep in thought. I mean my class and another class was like fangirling all over you well most of them and it just took everyone by surprise how lovely you are. But in general we loved everyone on I am eleven if I have to I’ll read it over and over again until I’m sick of it. :)" - Marisa Joseph
"To all that were involved with the movie!
Today our class went to the local cinema, the DCA to watch the movie. We thought it was BRILLIANT!! We've been truly inspired by the way all these children live and see the world. We are a class of 10 and 11 year olds and it taught us to enjoy life and use it well. Also, we learned just to be yourself, and how to ride elephants! We're going to make our own short movies sometime this year. We want to say a big HELLO to all the children involved in the movie, thank you for sharing your lives with us.
Many thanks,
P.s. We hope Billy still has his moustache." - LIFF Primary School Dundee Scotland
"Dear all! I loved this. It brought home to me just how maybe we are never as crisp and smart as we are when we are eleven. My heart was so full watching this. What a beautiful film.
Thank you to all the kids (now almost adults!). What unique and incredible people you are! Your insights, wit, humour, humanity and so much more was memorable and delightful for people of all ages and stages!" - Rani Sen
"I thought that this documentary was absolutely amazing. It makes me think how lucky I really am and how lucky I am to live in Australia. And one thing that made me very happy while watching this was, that the smallest things make the poor happy, and that they are very generous to everyone. I really enjoyed I am eleven, and I am eleven." - Steph
"I was transfixed throughout the entire film and I would love to see Genevieve make another one! It's so incredible to know that we are not alone when it comes to our fears, joys, imagination and hope for our future. This is a must-see film!" - Ellie
"I turn 12 tomorrow so it is my last day of being 11, and I saw the film. It was really really good. It made me reflect on what a great age 11 is, and I’m a bit sad that I’ll never be 11 again. I especially connected with two of the girls in the film, Grace and Siham. Thank you Genivieve and Henrik for sharing this with everyone." - Sian
"The movie was really interesting because we got to look into other kids’ life at the age of 11 and see their perspective of the world. Some kids ived in a different sort of environment but had the same sort of perspective." - Chira
"Hi Genevieve your film was great and i especially liked when you seen all of them grown up i think Billy was the funniest and he was cool.
Hi im emily i like your film it was great it was my first film i did not fall a sleep at it was a really interesting film i loved that film it was great i really want to see it again love the elephants ." - Megan and Emily
"What I liked most about this film was that it was humorous as well as factual and serious. The issue that I connected with the mot was Remi's from France when he said that 'Everyone is a citizen to the world and not just their country'. I believe that this is important because it is indicating that everyone needs to contribute to preventing global warming.
The 11 year old i connected with the most was Jamira from Melbourne because like me, she lives in Australia and also like me, she has a very multicultural family but does not yet know everything about them. In my opinion, this was an outstanding documentary full of excitement and it shows you a little of what it is like in other countries!" - Stella
"Thoroughly enjoyed the film and event last night. Great to see Genevieve there and see the energy and enthusiasm that was evident in the film echoed when answering the Q & A." - Terry
"You may be interested in how I have worked with 11-year-olds in the Solfagra school in Huddinge, Sweden. They have made their own “I am eleven”-movies with the help of iPads. To show their visions about the future we used green screen technology, which as an example made it possible for a girl to show her dreams of becoming an actress.
I took contact with the swedish TV company, as I thought the concept should be spread to others. The resulting TV show, at the end of the kids news show Lilla aktuellt, is available to watch for 30 days at this address:
I hope you enjoy it!
Best regards" - Marie Lilja
"Dear my name is Makeda and i live in Portland,Maine billy i loved you i thought you were so cute and funny even when you got older you are still very cute and sensitive do you still love the movie dirty dancing?" - Love Makeda your favourite fan
"When I watched this movie with my class I felt SUPER grateful with everything that I have and I also agreed with most of the things that everybody said. I really enjoyed watching this film and I especially enjoyed the ending. I could watch it over and over again!!!" - Sophie
LOVED IT! I went to see it with my friend and I absolutely LOVED it! I saw a bit of what it is like to live in such different places at age 11. I had so much fun watching the movie.
Tilly, Mia, Delaney, Charlie, Beth, and Katja
Hello Billy,
I just got home after viewing Genevieve's film, 'I am Eleven' and I must say,your
interviews warmed my heart.
Berkeley, California USA
"I loved the movie and believe all schools should have it as part of their junior school curriculum. The children were all so wonderful, positive and open to life." - Belinda
You might recognise this young man who is not 11 anymore! This is Oliver, his proud mom Karen, and filmmaker Genevieve Bailey at a screening in New York City. Oliver was just about to watch I AM ELEVEN for the first time. Always a pleasure to be reunited with the 'kids'!